23 September 2007


* Quitting smoking can be a difficult but very rewarding decision for you and your friends or family. To help you begin living your life smoke-free, review the following tips for success.

* Think about your reasons for quitting. Write them down and carry them with you. You can read them every day or when the going gets tough.

* Choose a good time to quit and set a quit date. Stick with it. Sign a contract. Announce it to family and friends who support your decision.

* Have a plan before you quit. Exercise or take a walk instead. When you're bored, plan to call a friend, listen to music, go for a walk, and play with your pet, JUST GET BUSY! When you're upset, angry, or worried, call a friend, write it down, or talk to someone you trust.

* Think good thoughts. "I will do this." "I'm worth it." "I'm in control." "I'm proud of myself."

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