22 September 2007


“Rome was not built in a day.” This sentence is really so true. Our team members Jiayun, Lijun, Pearlyn, Yvonne and Huiwen, have worked diligently for days, weeks and months to accomplish Year 2007 Sec1 major project of the year. The objective of this project is to help the Youth council to stop teenagers from abusing DAT. DAT is the short form of Drugs, Alcohol and last but not least, Tobacco.

Our teacher in charge Mrs. Ganesan told us to choose a topic among the three given choices. After a voting session and a short discussion, we agreed on the topic “Smoking”. We attended design and technology lessons to learn skills needed to build display units for the project. Each lesson lasted for 1.5 hours. We also did research on the internet to find out more about cigarettes and the consequences of smoking. In addition, we also did 2 mini surveys on teenagers to help us achieve better results for the assignment. Brochures related to this project were also our “helping hand”.

It may look like a simple and easy project to outsiders but to those who are involved, for example; our team, it was not a comfortable job after all. A lot of effort and time was taken out to accomplish the “mission”. We had to rack our brains hard to find the related information. Besides, the internet sometimes has too much information, which made it even tougher for us to find sensible answers to our question marks. Besides that, we had to find “real” smokers to complete our surveys. However, our hard work paid off with the strong perseverance and team spirit our team possesses.

Before we started on the project, the 5 of us had a mini discussion on how to complete the assignment. We split up the work and came up with various date lines. Each of us had an important duty and had to finish the solo “mission” by that day. Fortunately, the outcome was satisfying. We managed to complete the surveys, find essential information to deter teenagers from smoking. Besides that, we picked up many different varieties of skills from the design and technology class which we had been attending since the mega June holidays.

“Everything we do, we learn.” As mentioned in this sentence, our team had been gaining a lot from this huge project we had been focusing on since June. We learn to “stand up every time we fall”, put ourselves into other people’s shoes and believe in others. Between our friends and ourselves, we have to trust one another, believe in them, and give them our support. Everyone makes mistakes. It happens to every single person in their journey of life. We just have to face the mistakes and deal with them. Furthermore, we learn to understand our teammates’ difficulties and to help them in any way we can. Last but not least, our team learned the many dangers of smoking and knows that we have a responsibility to caution smokers living around us:

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